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 GreekLegends Server Rulles {English-Greek}

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Number of posts : 37
Registration date : 2007-06-27

GreekLegends Server Rulles {English-Greek} Empty
PostSubject: GreekLegends Server Rulles {English-Greek}   GreekLegends Server Rulles {English-Greek} Icon_minitimeWed Jun 27, 2007 4:49 pm


GreekLegends Rules

You must respect all GreekLegends Lineage 2 Staff(Gm Team)
No bug exploiting (Grief Buffing players in town , sniping, etc. ).
Do not impersonate staff(Gm Team).
Do not use modification or third party scripts/programs.
No hateful, nazi comments or racial slurs.
Do not spam chat.
Do not ask to become a GM.
Do not beg for adena or items.
Selling items to other players by real money not allowed on our server, players that will try to sell or buy items by real money will be banned without any warning.
L2 Walker isn't allowed and if caught using it you will be banned immediately.
Sharing accounts is allowed but you are responsible for giving out your information.
Give your information out at your own risk.
GMs do not restore lost or dropped items.
Due Wipe or Rollback your characters or any other of your lost data will not be restored.
Each player allowed to have max 3 accounts. ( dual box )

Have a nice game!


GreekLegends Rules

Prepei na sebaste olo to GreekLegends Lineage 2 Prwsopiko(Gm Team).
Apagoreuete opoiadipote dimourgeia bug.
Mhn 8igete to prwsopiko(Gm Team).
Mhn xrisimopeihte third party scripts/programs h otidipote allo.
Oxi misos kai malomata h ratsistika 8emata.
Mhn kanete spam sto chat.
Mhn zitate na ginete GM.
Mhn zitianeuete gia adena h items.
To poulima items h adena se allous paixtes me alh8ina xrhmata apagoreuete, kai opoios piastei na kanei auto to pragma bannerete xwris kamia proeidopoihsh.
To L2 Walker apagoreuete kai an poiastei kapoios bannarete amesws.
To na diadidete to account sas epitrepete, alla me dikia sas eu8hnh.
Tis plhrofories sas tis dinete me diko sas risko.
Oi GMs den epanaferoun ta pesmena h xamena items.
An uparksei kapoio problhma kai ginei Roll Back ston Server ta xamena items den epanaferontai.
O ka8enas mporei na exei anoixta mexri kai 3 account mazi. ( dual box )

Kalo sas paixnidi!
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GreekLegends Server Rulles {English-Greek}
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